Sunday, May 18, 2008

Make That 3 Days: 4 Records

This morning's low of 64 was 8 degrees warmer than the previous record "high low" of 56 set in 1986. Amazing. From one of the coldest Springs in memory to record high temperatures, just like that.

We're headed back into cooler temperatures this week, maybe with a touch of rain, followed by a warm Memorial Day weekend.


  1. Larry - I live in Hood River - wondering if other folks noticed the yellow residue from Tuesday's rain. I first noticed it on our back deck - and along the curbs -and there was a very fine yellow powder left behind on cars after it dried up... easier to see on dark vehicles. Rain often leaves behind residue... but I've never noticed a yellow hue like this.

  2. Not to worry; it's almost certainly pollen. I've seen that yellow powder effect around here before after rains. Given our cold Spring, recent hot weather, and plants that have just been itching to pollenate, there should be massive amounts of pollen floating around.
